In January 2013, we had the privilege of visiting P & Saha Vidya Mandir School in rural Mumbai to see the results of the water purification system donated by the Ranchhod Foundation in conjuction with World Vision. The results and benefits of this system, which was one of five donated by the Foundation to rural schools in Mumbai, India, were extraordinary. The teachers and Principal alike raved about better pass rates, less sickness and more alertness from their students since the implementation of the water system. They were very keen to tell us that one of their students achieved the second best exam results in the whole of Mumbai. The school is still , in our eyes, very run down and in dire need of physical improvement, however it was great to see that a simple thing like purified water, something our own children take for granted in New Zealand, has made such a substantial impact to the well-being of the students at this rural School.

Water Purification System Donated in Mumbai

The old water system The Ranchhod family with students of the School